Tilapia Feed
This small, lowfat fish originally comes from Africa where it has been used for thousands of years. Recently it has become one of the most important ‘aquaculture’ fish in the world. Tilapia are grown in large farms and produced for mass consumption. Pellet feed is one of the main factor in culturing tilapia cost effectively. Tilapia is a white fish with a slight pinkish color. It is an excellent fish for baking, broiling, grilling and steaming.
CP Malaysia markets aquatic feed for tilapia. This feed has few series and named according to the size of fish; TP-0, TP-1, TP-1L and TP-2. Each series contain Fish Meal, Broken Rice, Rice Bran, Soy Bean Meal, Vitamins and Minerals.
Catfish Feed
This fish gets its name from its long, whisker like barbels (feelers), which hang down from around the mouth. Most catfish are freshwater fish. The majority of the catfish in today’s market are farmed. Feeding is the critical process in culturing catfish successfully. The channel catfish, weighing from 1 to 10 pounds, is considered the best eating. Catfish have a tough, inedible skin that must be removed before cooking. The flesh is firm, low in fat and mild in flavor. Catfish can be fried, poached, steamed, baked or grilled. They are also well suited to soups and stews.
CP Malaysia markets aquatic feed for catfish. This feed has few series and named according to the size of fish; 9910. Each series contain Fish Meal, Broken Rice, Rice Bran, Soy Bean Meal, Vitamins and Minerals.

Marine Feed
A term used to describe any of various saltwater fish. Marine fish has been widely cultured both in cage and pond. It consists of Seabass, Snappers, Trevallies, Pompanos, Groupers, Threadfin. Nowadays, pellet feed has been introduced to replace traditional trash fish in the feeding process for a successful marine fish culture. In general, the flesh is lean to moderately fat and is suitable for almost any method of cooking including baking, broiling, frying, poaching or steaming.
CP Malaysia markets aquatic feed for marine under StarFeed brand. This brand has few series and named according to the size of fish; floating aquatic feed 9971, 9972, 9973, 9974, 9975, 9976 and 9977. Sinking aquatic feed 9981, 9982, 9983, 9984, 9985, 9986, 9987, 9988. Each series contain Fish Meal, Broken Rice, Rice Bran, Soy Bean Meal, Vitamins and Minerals.